Swappin' with the Ladybugs....

A little bit about this swap....this is sort of an individual swap with a Yahoo group that I belong to that is strictly Christians. We are called "The Ladybug and Red Thread Believers". This group came about because the larger Yahoo Groups that generally has memberships from all over the world did not want any type of reference to talk about religion, prayer requests, beliefs etc. In my opinion, as long as a message indicates that the body of the message mentions "God", people should be o.k. with that. But that's not the case with some groups. So this group is a supportive bunch of families with the same beliefs and values that lift each other up and support each other through the adoption process. I belonged to a similar group while waiting for Elise~but it was infact the BIG yahoo group with over 200 members from all over. That group is still in tact two years later (although the active members are around 25) and the common thread that we all share is our religion...hmmmmm. Anyway....I am rambling, but that's the beauty of this being MY blog...I can do that. Enjoy...
Too cool fabric from one of the Ladybug Leaders, Jessica Smith and Family in Lanesville, Indiana
Ruth and Troy Clark from Gresham, Oregon

The Phillipsons from Helenville, Wisconsin
Final count: (106) Squares, (105) Wishes from (84) families! WOOHOO!!!
So, I'm caught up...in a manner of speaking. I still have three swaps to complete. I have cut the material and now I need to do the wishes. The wishes are the hard part for me....I can't seem to do something simple. The scrapbooker in me comes out and bears her evil head. Can you hear the evil laugh......
Off to bed, busy day tomorrow! God Bless!


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